Friday, October 07, 2005

Troubleshooting resharper installation

Jetbrains has this cool addin to visual studio that brings in some of IDEA features to VS. Tried installing build 207 today and had to hack quite a bit to get it to install. The problem was it was doing something during setup, goes right till the end and rolls back with error "something that ran as part of setup did not complete". Tried to see if I can find anyway to get any more information:

ReSharper2.0-VS2005-build207.exe /?
informed me that /V option can be used to pass arguments to msiexec (called internally by setup). So to get more logging info I executed
ReSharper2.0-VS2005-build207.exe /V"/l*v abc.log"

From the log it was clear that it was invoking devenv.exe /setup which supposedly failed (god knows why). So I wanted setup to take it easy about this so that I could execute the same command manually later and figure things out. Now, the problem reduced to bypassing this devenv.exe invocation by setup.

IFEO to the rescue!! So I created a donothing.exe, which as the name suggests, is an executable which does nothing. Placed it in path and created the following registry entry:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersionImage File Execution Options\devenv.exe]

Re-ran setup and it was happy the devenv invocation :) and the installation succeeded!!

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