Friday, May 14, 2004

Fiddling around with some tools and found an interesting tool called apimon.exe. It helps you to see the calls made into various dlls during execution, their counts and the time taken. In addition it allows you to trace all calls into a file which can be tooled for various things..

Oh Cool, I thought, since i was looking at some code which uses a 3rd party dll and thought it will be a easy way to see all the top level calls into that dll (apimon allows u to monitor a subset of dlls used by your process).

I installed it from and thought I was done. However, when I tried to use it it I got errors like "Unable to load dll into process" irrespective of the process I tried to instrument.

Now what ? "google to the rescue" :-). Turns out the above install does not contain apidll.dll which apimon requires !!! So I googled again for the same and finally found it. All in all searching was fairly irritating - took quite some time.

If the error message had some more information life would have been simpler, but then who cares about a poor end user like me :-( ?


Anonymous said...

"poor end user like me"?!
Which end are you at?

Kalyan said...

:)) Good one!

Anonymous said...

Same problem here! However, I have not yet been able to find the missing apidll.dll on the net. Where did you get yours from?

Anonymous said...

Could you share the loaction of apidll?

Kalyan said...

Dont remember where I got it from. But a re-search tells me that you can get it in your windows cd !! See the dllhelp database on msdn...