Thursday, January 06, 2005

IQ's dilemma
Towards the end of our Btech at IIT, we used to have a lot of the usual discussions about the future and where we are going to settle down, whether we are ever going to come back to India etc. IQ was one who seemed to have a clear idea of what he wanted in life. His strategy was simple:
  1. Go to US for a Masters at a decent college
  2. Get to one of the bigger companies
  3. Save a sum of Rs 10 million over a few years
  4. Return to India and live a life of comfort and luxury

I thought that it was a great strategy except that reality is very different from what it was then. IQ always had plans of coming to Hyderabad and joining a job of leisure and comfort :). He recently had a chat with me about this and I had to unfortunately shatter his dreams of living like the Nawab of Hyderabad. This followed from a few simple observations:

  1. Being a megalomaniac IQ is not going to settle for anything below the very best.
  2. The top end apartment complexes today cost around 8 million
  3. A top car will cost a million
  4. Other expenses from furniture... etc

So where does that leave poor (rich?) IQ?
I don't know. Perhaps he will be a victim of the x = x + 1 syndrome where x is the no of crores he will save before he comes back.


Anonymous said...

Dear RLB,
Using really weak encryprtion, e.g. changing name to IQ, does not really protect the identity. Same is the case with OP.

Now, I got it. This encryption scheme allows you to write whatever you want about a person, let people easily know who you are talking about, yet easily escape when that person questions you about the validity of your claims :)

Kalyan said...

Hmm.. I will use a arbitrary naming scheme if at all .. from next time.