Thursday, June 09, 2005

Dotnet gotchas - 1

So I have finally moved into the new team and it happens to be milestone exit time.. and in all their magnanimity they handled me several dumps to look at :). The next few blogs will be about what I have learnt this last week...(assuming that we exit this week).

Contrary to popular opinion and appearances - Thread aborts can abort finally blocks in .net 1.1 !! This is actually documented in msdn! so code like

can fail to release the lock in case of thread abort leaving an orphaned SyncBlk. You can expect the rest of the app worker threads to slowly hit this region and hang.

What makes this even more interesting is that web services extensions (wse) merrily abort threads on timeouts :)


Vishal Grover said...

Why does all this sound completely alien to me?

Kalyan said...

Dude, you are no longer a techie. You are a financial mogul :)!