Friday, June 24, 2005

On hyping things up...

Learning to hype about what you do is a very useful thing. At the same time it is an art which is fairly hard to learn. I realise this everytime I see my resume :). So in an effort to someday have a better sounding resume, I am thinking about this fine skill. Here are some examples to get started:
  1. "I have been adding 'fault tolerance' in my code"

    Any unskilled person will think that you are referring to some failover of service instances or redundancy or some such thing. But if you are creative you can use the same statement for plain old 'error handling' :) where you expect something (server is open at port x) and it does not happen (it is down) and you handle it as appropriate. Contrast the above statement with "I fixed bug#xxxx where the client hung when the server was not up"

  2. I am working on loosely coupled distributed systems.

    This feels like you are building something like google search engine or amazon book store. Did it ever occur to you that this applies to building a client console (webservice or dcom) to any service.
Putting 1 and 2 together, you should not hesitate to say that you build "Distributed fault tolerant systems" as part of your daily job :)

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