Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ted talks...

These days, whenever I go to a talk/meeting, I see these features:
  1. They are completely unprepared.
  2. Don't respect the audience's time - "hey, i am on the stage" kind of talks.
  3. Have no theme or decision to convey.
  4. Randomly ramble or use keywords till you get irritated.
So naturally I am pretty happy to find some talks which violate all of these guidelines. These are among the best talks I have ever listened to. Wide range of speakers and it suprising how much they can convey in half hour. Here's the Ted talks link


RK said...

I sympathize :-(

RK said...

Dude, I'm totally blown away by the ted talks. Great link.

One question: what do you use to view the mp4 video's. As of now I am only able to use the audio, and as a result of that I am not able to get some fundas that are described while showing a visual.

Kalyan said...

I just viewed them directly (streaming) instead of downloading.. Alternately, you could try finding them on google video and then downloading them in google video format...

RK said...

Ok. Got it.

Back to the original crib about non-sensical meetings: It was all very nice to read and laugh about on or but I was in one such meeting today and man you have to experience it to realize how much it sucks.